LLR Archive Research

We are searching for previous owners of artwork by LLR for our archive. Artwork primarily sold in the late 1970s through 1987 in New Jersey and New York City. Ellen Sragow was his art dealer in New York City in the mid 1980s. If you own a painting by LLR or have info on some of his paintings please contact us. Thank you.


A Brother’s Legacy

Blog 6 – Message From Louie: “You Are Doing a Great Job Doll”

Blog 6 – Message From Louie: “You Are Doing a Great Job Doll”

Moving Forward in the process of launching the art included many steps. Our son Peter was living in Israel in May of last year. Peter is a graphic designer. From half way around the world we discussed and he developed our LLR logo. He designed my authentication sticker as well. We planned a Lewis Lanza Rudolph website upon Peter’s return to the USA in 2014. While Lewis never owned a computer I was using Google search to help with my preparation of his artwork for launch. I found a company online to craft the custom brand. Another company online to…

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Blog 5 – Found! One Open Door

Blog 5 – Found! One Open Door

April Koppenhaver , owner of Mulberry Art Studio in Lancaster PA met with my husband Bruce and I just over one year ago to take a look at some of my brother’s paintings. After Aprils arrival, Bruce facing a stack of paintings said, “How about you tell us which ones are good and which ones not so good.” He wanted to create two separate groups out of the paintings. We can laugh at that now! After an hour of viewing over 50 paintings we realized, according to April, my brother Lewis’s abstract paintings were exceptional. Painting after painting April marveled,…

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Blog 4 – In Search of an Open Door

Blog 4 – In Search of an Open Door

I had given a lot of thought about Lewis’s art. Having moved from Red Bank, NJ years ago, I simply had no contacts to approach about his artwork.  I did do some internet searching but overall I was at a loss over what to do. Early Spring 2013, I asked my sister in law if she would provide moral support and visit some art gallery’s in Lancaster, close to my home in PA. Perhaps someone there could offer some guidance. We visited four art gallery’s along Gallery Row.  Each gallery representative gave me some advice.  Someone suggested I take my…

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Blog 3 – Beginning the Scenic Route of the Journey

Blog 3 – Beginning the Scenic Route of the Journey

What do I do with all this art?  After two months of clearing out Lewis’s house his art now resided in my garage plus filled a storage room.  Besides stacks of hundreds of paintings, I had files of drawings tablets with anatomy drawings, notebooks filled with abstract pencil drawings, plus various papers boxed to look through later. You may wonder and ask, didn’t you have everything in the estate appraised including the art? YES, of course we did, that was part of the process. Bruce and I met with a certified appraiser recommended to us by the estate lawyer.  We…

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Blog 2 – Packing Up a Lifetime of Art

Blog 2 – Packing Up a Lifetime of Art

The process of clearing out a loved one’s house, who has passed away, is an overwhelming process. My brother had written specific instructions on how he advised I should handle his extensive baseball postcard collection. But he did not mention anything about his art. Not one written word! Two pages about his collections, nothing about the Art. Imagine a garage completely full of 3 foot by 4 foot and larger paintings, most wrapped in plastic for two decades. Walk up to the attic more paintings, a bedroom with paintings and of course his basement art studio held stored paintings. I…

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Blog 1 – MY Journey:   A Brother’s Legacy

Blog 1 – MY Journey: A Brother’s Legacy

The call came about mid evening on October 10, 2012. My sisters and I were aware that our brother Lewis had been missing for a few weeks according to his neighbors. My brother Lewis Lanza Rudolph was what you would call reclusive. Definitely a private person. Words I use to describe Louie; witty, funny, intelligent, interesting, quirkey, awkward, he was my big brother and I loved him. The phone rang, I remember where I was sitting, what I was doing like it was yesterday. “Are you Denise Ecenroad the sister of Lewis Rudolph “ the doctor at the end of…

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